Food Opiates and the problems of it

Wednesday 12 February 2014

No one doubts that "we are what we eat". Our eating habits of every day has a great influence on our physical and mental health. Look around you. You can see so many zombies around you. Why do so many people act as such? According to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy, the meaning of zombie is stunned, which behaves like an automaton. It is easy to see as apathy increased social status in recent decades. Along with obesity, has increased the collective lethargy prevents prioritize, favoring banal things about big issues, such as good health. Why so many people can not correct harmful eating habits? It is surprising to know that unexpected everyday foods are responsible for this trend, and also the addiction to these foods. The aim of this report is to understand what we generate these foods and why we find it hard to leave.

Everyone knows that consuming morphine, one becomes slow, lethargic and addicted. This happens because the morphine is an opioid substance. Why are we sensitive to these substances? Because our body (especially the brain) has receptors for these opioid peptides. Why? Because we produce them if necessary. When we escape from danger and we are injured, we need special conditions to overcome. In such situations, the body produces opioid peptides to reduce pain, the endorphins known.

The marathon runners know the effects of endorphins, molecules that allow them to continue even when they are exhausted. Endorphins produce pleasurable effects, increase physical endurance, cause euphoria, have analgesic power ... and are also addictive. In order to fulfill its function, endorphins require the presence of appropriate receptors, in which fit together like a key in a lock. Since endorphins and opioid peptides are very similar, both fit into our encephalic receptors.

By the way that human beings are not designed to get drunk with morphine or endorphins. The secretion of endorphins in the body is carried in special conditions. Y morphine is not a nutrient. However, the receptors of the brain are susceptible to other opiates: those present in foods. In the 70s, scientists at the Max Planck

Institute in Munich (Germany) exorphins called him. This raises a natural question: why is there opioid peptides in our food? The reasons are also natural.

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Food opiates

The exorphins play an essential role in breeding mammals and are present in all species. Calves and babies receive their first exorphins with initial feedings. This creates a dependency in the newborn to the mother and an encouragement to consume food. Besides sleeping and reassures him, something simply verifiable in the reaction of infants after feeding. These opioid peptides, while ensuring nutrient intake by the neonate and ensure your rest, play another key role.

Since the baby is getting a highly specialized and specific food, nature creates mechanisms that make the most of this nutrient perfect. Therefore, opioid peptides in milk increases intestinal permeability, or "open" filter mesh which is the lining of the intestines. Although the mucosa is designed to prevent the passage of undigested food or toxic substances in the neonate is no such risk, when breast milk perfect food and fully digestible. Therefore, the mucosa becomes more permeable, so as not to waste a drop of this vital nutrient, ensuring the absorption of growth factors present in breast milk. This mechanism will become one of the biggest problems that continue ingesting adult opioid peptides, as we shall see.

Milk contains different opioid peptides, masked proteins (casein, lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin and lactoferrin). Opioid peptides from milk are beta-casomorphins, alpha-casein exorphins, casoxins, beta-casorfinas, lactorphins alpha-, beta-and lactoferroxinas lactorphins. To prevent degradation of the peptides and ensure their function, they are relatively indigestible and is expected to reach the bloodstream unchanged.

But only the milk of mammals possesses opioid peptides? There also some plants synthesize these molecules, to fend off enemies. It is the case of wheat, cereal peptides endowed numb predators. A single protein molecule found in the wheat gluten, contains 15 units of one particular opioid peptide. Wheat gluten contains a number of extremely potent opioid peptides. Some of these molecules are even 100 times more potent than morphine.

Opioid peptides found in the wheat gluten are: glycine-tyrosine-tyrosine-proline, tyrosine-glycine-glycine-tryptophan, tyrosine-isoleucine-proline-leucine-serine and tyrosine-glycine-glycine-tryptophan-leucine (the most potent of all).

The priests of ancient Egypt used wheat to hallucinate, and used it in bandages, to reduce pain caused by the wounds. The Roman emperors knew that the people had not rebel as bread and entertainment. All wheat products contain opioid peptides: bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cakes, pies, cakes, etc.. To developing dental pain, bread can be chewed for 10 minutes in order to relieve pain, which is tested for anesthetic potency.

The problems of opioids

We have seen that are absolutely natural opioid peptides, in plants, animals or humans. However, they are a problem to get them out of context and consume in abundance, everything we do in our modern diet. Precisely because of its addictive effects, these foods went from being "survival food" in certain ethnic groups, to be "steamed food" diet in industrialized overcrowded. Addition of flavors, textures and practicality, explains how addictive supremacy of breads, cookies, pizzas, dairy and pastas, on other foods noblest and oldest.

Beyond the direct problems generated by large dairy and wheat consumption (refining, industrial processing, combined with fats, sugars and unhealthy additives), the main drawback of opioid peptides displayed on bowel function. On one hand, the ability of these substances numbing "anesthesia" intestinal villi and walls, generating constipation and constipation. It is easy to verify the mass of this condition and the serious consequences it generates, as a trigger of "fouling" body. Moreover, increased intestinal permeability and power is something "guarantees" problem. The undigested food and toxic substances are slowed as a result of constipation, while increased permeability facilitates rapid entry into the bloodstream.

Besides generating apathy, drowsiness and sluggishness, foods containing opiates are hard to break. People who must follow strict diets without dairy products and wheat, to start them suffer withdrawal symptoms starring a drug addict: hand tremors, irritability, emptiness, etc.. It is no coincidence that many foods, including meat and flavorings, are among the components of milk and wheat proteins, ensuring consumer loyalty.

Researchers at the University of Michigan (Usa) recently determined that women are more vulnerable to these addictions, partly because they are more sensitive to pain, in part because they suffer more under stress due to hormonal effects. Do not forget that opioid receptors in the brain are responsible for which we are subjectively good or evil, and hence the unconscious dependence on food sources. Women need higher doses of opioid analgesics for free from pain and therefore have more difficulty leaving that office.

Finally, to try to offset the effect of mental retardation opiates generate food, people turn to the use of stimulants (caffeine, mateĆ­na, protein, sugar, taurine and worse). Far from solving the problem, this coupling determines unhealthy habits, yet have deep roots and are socially well accepted.

Beyond the addictive phenomenon and cultural habits, no wheat and dairy are foods that provide essential nutrients. When it comes to essential nutrients, we refer to substances or compounds that can not be satisfied with other foods typical of our physiology frugivorous (seeds, fruit, vegetables, algae, etc).